Top of the World Ranch Treatment Centre
Drug and alcohol rehab center | Calgary | Alberta
Top of the World Ranch Treatment Centre
8350 Holmes Rd
Fort Steele BC V0B 1N0
Tel: 888 996-6306; 250 426-6306
Fax: 250 426-6377
At Top of the World Ranch Treatment Centre, we understand the confusion, the fear, of “Why do I do this? Why can’t I stopâ€? We understand needing to “control it this timeâ€â€¦and failing. We also understand that persons that suffer, from alcoholism, from drug addiction, or persons that abuse alcohol or abuse drugs are often unsure where to begin when they look for help. Often these persons will need to attend an alcohol treatment center or a drug treatment center or as they are often referred to an alcohol and drug rehab.
Before this decision can be made, it is often best to start with an assessment to determine the severity of the drug or alcohol addiction or drug or alcohol abuse. At Top of the World Ranch Treatment Centre we understand the importance of this assessment to be certain that the correct response to a persons needs are put forth and with information regarding the treatment options that are available. Some may find that drug or alcohol abuse can be treated in an outpatient treatment program, while others may only need to see an addictions counselor.
Others will find that a residential addictions treatment program is the best fit for their needs, hence the importance of an alcohol and drug addictions assessment.
We have designed a very comprehensive addictions severity assessment ASA for our clients. This assessment offers us and our clients a very comprehensive description of our client’s life on many levels and allows us to help our clients to attend the proper level of addictions treatment and addictions counselling best suited to their individual needs.
Our addictions severity assessment takes approximately 3 hours to complete and includes meeting with an addictions counselor to discuss the outcome of the assessment and further to discuss potential treatment options.
At Top of the World Ranch Treatment Centre, we also understand the importance of continuing care for clients that have attended drug and alcohol addictions treatment or addictions rehab for any process addictions, such as gambling addiction as well.
This is why we offer drug and alcohol addictions assessments and drug and alcohol and process addictions counselling and post treatment continuing care.
We work with and are affiliated with highly trained, addictions professionals throughout Canada. These addictions counselors and psychologists are further trained by Top of the World Ranch Treatment Centre to deliver our addictions severity assessment.
Our addictions counselling network is further trained to offer continuing care counselling to our clients post treatment as we know that success in recovery means Assessment + treatment + counselling + support. All of these together add up to success. Miss any of these vital elements in addictions treatment and the potential of success begins to diminish.
- We offer addictions assessments, addictions counselling and post addictions treatment continuing care counselling in Calgary and Edmonton Alberta.
- We offer addictions assessments, addictions counselling and post addictions treatment continuing care counselling in Vancouver, Kelowna, and Fort Steele in BC.
- We offer addictions assessments, addictions counselling and post addictions treatment continuing care counselling in Regina and Saskatoon in Saskatchewan.
- We offer addictions assessments, addictions counselling and post addictions treatment continuing care counselling in Winnipeg Manitoba,
- We offer addictions assessments, addictions counselling and post addictions treatment continuing care counselling in Toronto Ontario and in Ottawa Ontario
- We offer addictions assessments, addictions counselling and post addictions treatment continuing care counselling in Kentville Nova Scotia.
- We offer residential addictions treatment for alcohol addiction for drug addiction, for gambling addiction at our alcohol treatment center, our drug addiction treatment center and our gambling addictions treatment center, Top of the World Ranch Treatment Centre.
To arrange your addictions assessment, please call - we are here 24/7 to help you and be sure you state where you are calling from and where you wish to begin your journey of healing with our addictions severity assessment.
At Top of the World Ranch treatment center, our addictions treatment programs work. We know that addictions are fully treatable and that addictions treatment is most effective when delivered through a bio-psycho-social-spiritual holistic process, through an addictions treatment program that is formulated from beginning to end with solid evidence based addictions treatment methods, coupled with holistic enhancements, a very knowledgeable, highly qualified compassionate staff and time tested recovery supports.
